📄️ Parrot Software Management
In this chapter, we will introduce the apt package manager for Parrot. A program is a series of instructions written in programming languages such as C, Go, Nim or Rust (to name a few). These instructions are stored in text files called sources. To work in our systems, they must be converted to machine language. This step is called compilation. The compilation generates one or several files, understandable by the system, called binaries.
📄️ Nvidia GPU Driver configuration
Initially, Parrot uses the Nvidia nouveau open source drivers, since they support most Nvidia cards. These guarantee good stability and allow you to use your gpu without problems for everyday use.
📄️ File and Directory Permissions
With GNU/Linux, all the files of the system belong to a user and a group. The owner of a file is the user who created it and the main group of this file is that of the user who created it. For example, in the other chapters, we worked with a user account simply called user. If this user creates a file, it belongs to the parrot user and the default group of the parrot user. For this reason, we often use the sudo command to be able to read, modify or execute files and programs of the system or make changes in the permissions of the files in question.
📄️ AppArmor
AppArmor is an effective and easy-to-use Linux application security system. AppArmor proactively protects the operating system and applications from external or internal threats, even zero-day attacks, by enforcing good behavior and preventing even unknown application flaws from being exploited.
📄️ Hash and key verification
Why should anyone verify keys and signatures?
📄️ Assistive Technologies
Onscreen Keyboard
📄️ Desktop Enviroments
ParrotOS comes out with the default MATE Desktop Environment (DE) for all editions (Home, Security and HTB). However, additional desktop environments can be installed on an OS. Each DE has its own characteristics, but we recommend that you try them all before deciding what to install.
📄️ Printer setup
Thanks to CUPS, we can print any document we want.
SSD Trim allows the drive to check and delete data blocks no longer needed. This means that the drive is always ready to write new data when the old ones are being deleted and that block containing the data is no longer busy.